
Maxine M. Martin Baird

Maxine M. Martin BairdMaxine Baird, Internationally known expert in the balloon and celebration industry, passed away Sunday, September 21st, 2008. The industry has lost a veteran performer, designer, educator, producer of events, organizer of advocate organizations and a passionate promoter of helping young people to enter the celebration industry. She was active in every balloon, face and body painting, variety entertainment group, where she was always willing and eager to share her expertise and resources. She created the Balloons-N-Funtimes newsletters, webletters and marketing directories and created the popular Jams that take place at major industry events.

Maxine, with her selfless one-of-a-kind enthusiasm and unending energy, even in times of illness, of which she had many over the years, put her full talents into promoting and growing the celebration industry. Over her long career, her husband, Joe and several of her family members, worked with her–always urging her to charge more (or at least something) for her valued services, but Maxine had a huge heart for sharing and mentoring on a volunteer basis. It gave her such great pleasure.

Ms. Baird resided in Pocatello, Idaho with her husband Joe. She leaves 8 children and their families including 9 beloved grandchildren.

Maxine's bio information and ways you can help her family can be found at:

You can sign her guest book and leave a message for her family at:

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