Archive | Issue #6

Mark’s Rant: Coming Soon To A Computer Screen Near You…
Very soon I will be launching two new initiatives through our magazine. First will be a semi-weekly video blog (that’s a vlog right?) with my thoughts on the industry. This will be a collection of quick tips to (hopefully) help you make better business decisions and some of my own crazy ideas just to make you […]

Design Solutions: 60’s Smile
60’s Smile Peace and love are what this “groovy” centerpiece is all about. It’s big, it’s bold’ it’s colorful and it is all 100% balloons. Ingredients: 4 – 11” latex balloons with polka dot print. You could substitute any colorful agate balloons as well. 14 color 5” latex balloons. 4 – 360 (or 350) balloons, bright colors […]

Feature Article: US Sale of Helium Criticised
Article reposted from NewScientist.com Was selling off US helium reserves a good idea? Physicists thought it was a bad one in 1995 but Congress nonetheless passed a bill to phase out the reserves over the following 20 years. Now a report from the National Research Council agrees it was a bad idea, although it's a […]

Feature Article: Planalytics WeatherCall Report
Planalytics WeatherCall Report for March 2010 Spring Has Sprung. Seasonal Purchases Triggered By Warmer and Drier Conditions. Midwest Combats Severe Weather With Late Season Snow and Flooding. On the heels of a cold and snowy February across most of North America, conditions in March 2010 shifted toward Spring, although some locations held on to […]

Feature Article: Ethical Theft …
Ethical Theft … how to steal business from your competition You are on an airplane and you strike up a conversation with the person next to you. She is the decision maker of a company that buys your competitor’s products and services. You have such a great exchange during the flight that she asks you […]

I&I: AICCCA Reveals What Consumers Need to Know
Tax day is quickly approaching and with it is the time for those consumers who have put off looking at their 2009 taxes to sit down and determine how much they will owe on April 15th. For those consumers who owe more than they can pay, it is also time to determine how they will […]

I&I: GHTA Welcomes Retailers into its Membership
GHTA Welcomes Retailers into its MembershipAssociation works to unite all industry segments and partners The Gift and Home Trade Association (GHTA), the gift and home industry's leading non-profit trade association, and its members voted to welcome retailers into its membership base, allowing all industry partners to 'connect, contribute, and learn,' which is the GHTA's new […]

I&I: Festival of Balloons Offers BIG Family Fun
They say everything is bigger in Texas, but Texas hasn’t seen anything like this yet! Balloons—everyone’s favorite party decoration—will be transformed into larger-than-life sculptures at the Festival of Balloons , coming to Dallas on Sunday, April 18, 2010. This family event, featuring astounding creations by balloon artists from all over the world, will be […]

I&I: Nat’l Stationery Show Takes to Twitter & Facebook
NATIONAL STATIONERY SHOW TAKES TO TWITTER, FACEBOOK FOR ENHANCED COMMUNICATION WITH SHOW PARTICIPANTS The National Stationery Show® (NSS) is building momentum on several social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter, creating Show buzz and generating communication with and among NSS participants as the May 16-19 event approaches. "Social media sites are becoming increasingly important […]