Happy New Year! But, is there really anything “NEW” in the balloon business? For those of us who have been in the business for a long time, we are always looking for something new and exciting. Whether it is a new color or foil design from the manufacturers, or a new design shared by a fellow balloon […]
Archive | Editor’s Note
Editor’s Note
Just when we thought we were done with Winter by the teasing temperatures last week, I look outside on this first day of Spring, and see more snow falling! Another 3”- 6” by the time it is done. We in the Northeast have had quite enough of those frozen puffs of water! But I did […]

Editor’s Note
Facing The Facebook Facts I joined Facebook many years ago mainly to see the photographs of my nieces' and nephews' babies, as that was the only way for me to see their little cutey-pies! But as the years go by, I will admit, I am a Facebook Addict. There, I've said it! I've reconnected with […]

Editor’s Note
The Face of the Times I’m addicted to Facebook, there I’ve said it! When Facebook was started, it was a college thing. My kids were approaching college age at the time and they had Facebook pages. My nieces and nephews were already out of college, but each of them had Facebook pages. They would […]

Linda Bruce – a Star has Dimmed
[youtube:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4yuOEodX3ck 250 202 align=”right”] It is hard for me to believe I am writing this note, let alone for Linda Bruce, the shining star of the balloon community. Mark and I met Linda many, many years ago while we were teaching somewhere at a balloon seminar. She was also an instructor for us at all […]