

Yes, we did it. My criteria for having this event were simple:

  • Make it affordable
  • Make it all about education
  • Make it really valuable (beyond being just affordable)
  • Make it fun.

We closed the event with a Town Hall evening that was a frank and open discussion about the business of balloons. I shared with everyone my feelings of how I believe the balloon industry is shown little regard by the event industry as a whole and by the general public at large. Though my words may have seemed a little too harsh for an upbeat closing event, nobody offered a defense to the contrary. Others spoke up about their feelings and experiences that lead me to confirm I was right. We need to be better. We need to work harder, and we need more positive exposure of our designs and products.

That evening I kept a list of ideas we all need to reach for to be better professionals. This list was shared that evening for everyone in attendance and was culled from comments by the audience. I share with you a photograph of that long list (below) that many in the audience helped create on that final night.




And so I ask you – what have you done today to make the balloon industry better? Have you found your niche? Do you dress for success? How have you pushed yourself and your business to make it better and (at the same time) helped make the balloon industry that much better?

That evening showed us all there are no easy answers and we have much more work to do to make the business of balloons just that – a BUSINESS and an industry regarded as a trade to aspire to be a part of.

Are you up to the task? I think everyone that evening was. Along with acquiring wonderful knowledge from our fantastic faculty, I firmly believe everyone went home with a better understanding of what we need to do to improve not only ourselves but us collectively as an industry.

The BALLOONstitute was a happening! So many people were gracious to assist us in making this show into a reality. Thank you to you all. So many came to be part of this event to learn, to share and to grow. I was so gratified to see everyone be part of this hastily formed convention. Andy and I sincerely appreciate all the kind words extended to us for having the gumption to pull this off. But it really wasn’t about us. It was about EVERYONE that took a chance on us and this experience and we thank each and every one of you who came along with us on this exciting ride.

The BALLOONstitute will return and when we do you’ll be the first to know.

Want to see more BALLOONstitute photos? Just click here .


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