
Twist & Shout

Uninflated Artistic Figure
3rd Place: Phoebe Chan, Wedding Bouquet
2nd Place: Vicki Kimble, Sushi
1st Place: Nancy Dalton, Tiki Dream

Small Artistic Figure
3rd Place: Antonio Rodriguez, Vespa
2nd Place: Colin Myles, Elephant
1st Place: Junko Niiyama, Sisters

Medium Artistic Figure
3rd Place: Dennis Scott, Family Tree
2nd Place: Donna Egan, Smurf Garden
1st Place: Janice Hastings, Peep Show

Large Artistic Sculpture
3rd Place: Mark Verge, Bumblebee
2nd Place: Robbie Furman, Balloon Lagoon
1st Place: Dustin Queary, There is no try

Stage Entertainment Competition
People's Choice: Andrea Noel
3rd Place: Pablo Munoz Garcia
2nd Place: Atwistocrats
1st Place: Andrea Noel

Balloon Costume Competition
People's Choice: Phoebe Chan, Phoenix
3rd Place: Vera Stalker, Octopus
2nd Place: Phoebe Chan, Phoenix
1st Place: Shino Noji, Pretty Pig

Balloon Dress Competition
People's Choice: Debbie Stevens, Wedding Inspiration
3rd Place: Asi Cohen, Mushi Mushi
2nd Place: Phoebe Chan, Magenta
1st Place: Debbie Stevens, Wedding Inspiration

David Grist Memorial Award: Ken Stillman (Flash)

Top Twister: Nancy Dalton

Dewey's Balloon Excellence Awards
Trailblazer: Addi Somekh
Career Contributor: Patrick Brown
Twister of the Year: Danny Schlesinger

Float 2013 and Twist & Shout 2013 will be in St. Louis, Missouri at the St. Louis Airport Marriott; with FLOAT scheduled Jan 27 – 31 and Twist & Shout running Jan 31 – Feb 4th.  See you next year!

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