
Teaching, I Like It!

Teaching, I Like It!So, I went back on the road (with Andy in tow) as we just visited Las Vegas for the 2nd annual Celebrate Convention and Trade Show in Las Vegas.

I really like teaching. It’s something I don’t get to do every day (unless you count “instructing” my staff every day and showing them a better way to do things for oh, the 100th time!). It’s something that makes me feel good knowing I am helping others, It’s something, as I get older, I’d like to do more of. At the convention I taught about balloon basics, the Internet and photography. I also lead a small but dedicated team in producing décor I designed for the event in the welcome areas and by the classrooms. You click over to our Design Solutions section and see what we created.
Just hoping “what happens in Vegas…” didn’t really stay there, but went home with each and every attendee to help make their businesses bigger, better and more efficient.

It was fun and again, you can see what we did and how my plans were executed in the Design Solutions section of the magazine.

Hope you enjoy!

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