
Summer Balloon Camp has done it again!

In all 7 categories of competition held at Balloon Camp, incredibly talented Balloonists showed how far our industry has evolved to artistry with balloons.  For Small Sculpture Round Balloons, Robbie Furman won the vote.  Melissa Gjergji was the winner of Small Sculpture Non-round Balloons, the Table Centerpiece and Portfolio categories.  Sue Laswick worked with Melissa on the Table Centerpiece.  The winner of the Buffet Table Centerpiece was Bambi and Danny Bremgartner.  It was Sandy Pressley and Bonnie Fisher that took home the first place plaque for her Large Sculpture of the Ferris Wheel.  Entertainer 1st place went to Rick Farewell, Crickit.  When all the points were added, the Designer of the Year Award was given to Melissa Gjergji.  The complete list of winners can be found on the Balloon HQ web site in event coverage.

In other activities at Balloon Camp, attendees enjoyed the themed parties of “Balloonville County Fair” as designed and decorated by Guido Verhoef and the Betallic crew, The International Balloon Games, created by Tope Abulude with the help of the Tuf-Tex group, and an Evening at Mardi Gras as the final night Gala designed and built by Troy Apprill, Diane Burton and Linda Bruce.  All joined by the Qualatex crew.  Balloon Camp attendees joined in the creative process as part of the Party Prep classes.

Business classes, decorator classes, twister classes, deco-twisting classes and a variety of other informative instructional classes proved that we are all Balloonists and by gathering together we can all improve and expand the creative ability within us.

Summer Balloon Camp 2009 takes place on the 9th, 10th and 11th of August 2009 in Las Vegas.


Summer Balloon Camp 2008  contest winners:

1st Place
Small Sculpture Round Balloons
Robbie Furman
Balloons by Robbie
Fairfield, NJ
1st Place
Small Sculpture Non Round Balloons
Melissa Gjergji
Melrhea Balloon Creations
Paducah, KY
1st Place
Table Centerpiece
Melissa Gjergji
Melrhea Balloon Creations
Paducah, KY
Su Laswick
Fun Filled Balloons
Richmond, VA
1st Place
Buffet Table Centerpiece
Bambi & Danny Bremgartner
Aah Inspiring Balloons
Long Beach, CA
1st Place
Large Sculpture
Sandy Pressley
Creative Balloons
Warren, MI
Bonnie Fisher
Party Works
Livonia, MI
1st Place
Melissa Gjergji
MelRhea Balloon Creations
Paducah, KY
1st Place
Rick Farewell
Crickit's Corner
Phelan, CA

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