
Feature: Turn your potential nightmare into a great story.

With returns can come many unhappy customers. So, how will stores be greeting those unhappy customers and handling their returns? Customer service expert and author of the book The Greet Your Customer Manual Laurie Brown says by following the right steps, stores can turn disgruntled customers into their biggest fans.
Some of Brown’s steps include:
Step 1: A warm and genuine greeting — even though it may not be well received.
Step 2: Acknowledge the problem. “You seem to be upset. What can I do to help you?”
Step 3: Let the customer have his/her say. Don’t try to solve the problem until you have actually listened to everything the customer needs to say.
Step 4: Empathetic apology. It isn’t sufficient to mumble the word “sorry” and expect it to have a positive effect. Your apology needs to show your customer that YOU understand.
Step 5: Take ownership. You want the customer to understand that you are the person who will fix their problem. Ask the customer what you can do to “make it right”. Often people are afraid to ask their customer this question. They don’t want to become obligated to meet an unrealistic demand. You needn’t be afraid of their answer, because simply asking does not obligate you.
Step 6: Fix the problem immediately. And if you can’t fix it immediately, show the customer that you are making a sincere effort to resolve the problem.
Brown says none one of these steps take an inordinate amount of time or money, but they can really create delighted customers—customers who will tell stories that promote you to their friends and family. Stores need to keep in mind that people are telling stories about them and their business. What kind of stories are they telling? View every customer problem as an opportunity to produce a cheerleader for your business. Turn your potential nightmare into a great story.

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