
September is International Balloon Month

Paula was also successful in convincing a local network affiliate to do a story on balloons and the manufacture of balloons on a locally produced program called, "Show Me St. Louis". On the show, Paula was able to explain the International Balloon Month campaign while Craig Albrecht of Betallic was interviewed about the manufacturing process!

Todd Moody of burton + BURTON reported that Maxine Burton was successful in petitioning the Governor of Georgia to proclaim "September 2010 as Balloon Month in Georgia and encourage Georgia families to experience the joy and simplicity of balloons as they celebrate life's special moments."

Todd also reported that burton + BURTON specially manufactured thousands of 18" foil balloons featuring the International Balloon Month logo and mailed each customer three. Accompanying the balloons was a note explaining the importance of balloons to all aspects of the party goods, floral and gift industry urging everyone to promote balloons in the month of September with their own customers and clients. Click here to read note burton+BURTON also ran a campaign with a grocery chain where store employees were given special International Balloon Month buttons to wear.

Steven Mayhew of Conwin reported sending a weekly newsletter throughout the month of September to a mailing list of thousands to reiterate the message that "September is International Balloon Month!"

Pioneer Balloon Co. released a press statement to its Qualatex Balloon Network members announcing that September is International Balloon Month which in turn resulted in over 50 new subscriptions to the IBA Newsletter!

Kathi Leiden of Zephyr Solutions sent an E-blast reminding her mailing list of "September as International Balloon Month" and offering a product discount in the month of September. Kathi reported an increase in sales and three new distributors!

Barbara Lee of Heaven'Lee Balloon Creations in Atlanta, GA, offered promotional pricing and special bouquets to her customers in September!

Maribeth Borders of Balloon Express in Hutchinson, KS, offered balloon specials in her store the month of September and created a radio ad that ran all month long! Contact Marty Fish at if you would like a copy of the radio ad.

International Balloon Month and Bring Balloons are campaigns created by the International Balloon Association to increase sales and raise awareness of balloons to the public. To learn more please visit the IBA Web site, or call 866-413-7358. The IBA is a non profit trade association incorporated in 1990 and created to support the balloon industry.

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