
I&I: Stock Tyvek Wristbands Update

 Wrist Band

We are proud to announce the release of our new, advanced security Tyvek wristbands. As illustrated above, you will notice that our stock "solid color" tyvek wristbands now feature a white stripe.
The stripe contains an advanced and secure, embedded code which can only be detected using our smart readers. These readers can be rented on a per event basis or purchased separately. The embedded code ensures each wristband is 100% authentic and is considered to the be only anti-counterfeit Tyvek wristband in the market.
This security enhancement is now a standard feature on all Stock Tyvek 1" and 3/4" solid color wristbands at no additional cost for all of our valued customers.
Exclusively available MedTech Wristbands and its distribution partners.

U.S. Store
 Purchase Tyvek 3/4" Solid Color wristbands
 Purchase Tyvek 1" Solid Color wristbands

Canada & International Store
Purchase Tyvek 3/4" Solid Color wristbands
Purchase Tyvek 1" Solid Color wristbands


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