
Effective Questioning Combats Centuries-Old Selling Problem

Since the dawn of mankind, humans have been buying and selling "stuff", and over the centuries a predictable pattern has developed between buyers and sellers. The buyer-seller dynamic can spell "commission catastrophe" for the sales professional who lacks the artful skill of effective questioning.

Effective Questioning Combats Centuries-Old Selling ProblemIn his recent article, sales guru Weldon Long explains the need to revamp the centuries old selling process to include effective questioning.  In the article Long describes the pitfalls of the old way of selling where the buyer stalls and the sales person counters.  In contrast he provides tips for your readers to boost sales by using effective questioning to engage the buyer and put them, the sales person back in control.

Weldon Long is the President and CEO of Wright Total Indoor Comfort, Inc, a leading HVAC company in Colorado. Effective questioning is one of the skills Weldon Long used to jumpstart his sales career and create an INC 5000 business.  He now provides sales and motivational training to businesses and volunteers his expertise and time with the formerly incarcerated. Weldon's memoir of building his business success from his final release from prison after battling addictions is titled "The Upside of Fear" and has won several book awards and critical acclaim.

To request a complete version of the text please contact:

Martha Ciske, PR/PR Public Relations

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