The Problem Solver: Only One? What If there was only one make of car for you to drive. Choose the right company carefully. Some have lots of pretty colors, some do not. Need a SUV? Whoops - those companies dont exist. Looking for airbag safety? Im sorry the company you chose didnt invent this most precious of technology. Need a new van for your delivery business. Shucks! You might just have to do with a full-size sedan or a pickup truck perhaps. What If there was only one airline. Need to fly to Houston? Sorry they dont fly there. Have a meeting in Biloxi on Tuesday? Youll have to go Monday or Wednesday, no flights there on Tuesday. Looking for a cheap fare to London? Nothings cheap on this airline! What If there was only one book publisher. They might find many great writers, but what about the ones they would certainly miss? Would there be a Captain Bligh, Sherlock Holmes or Harry Potter? Would the prose of Robert Frost, ee cummings or Rudyard Kipling be read by anyone other than themselves? What If there was only one style of music. Hope you like Heavy Metal!! Now wouldnt that give new meaning to elevator music? So whats my point? What If there was only one latex manufacturer? Might you miss Link-O-Loons®, Geos®, or 260s? What if you really needed the color periwinkle and the only company of choice around didnt make it? Just got to have something in a jumbo size 16, 24, 36? What if the only supplier out there just did not have them? What If there was only one provider of foil balloons? Say so long to Mega-Loons® or maybe even self-sealing balloons. What If only one company made ribbon? Not enough colors available? Too bad! Looking for an embossed finish or something in a _ width that just isnt there? Sorry! Think about it. No, really THINK ABOUT IT! Am I the only one disturbed at hearing I only use XYZ balloons. XYZ can equal any one manufacturer you can think of. I hear this (I hear this a lot!) and I just want to scream. Why scream? Simple! Do the folks uttering this actually think ONE company is going to satisfy ALL their needs? Cmon folks, just THINK! Is one company really going to satisfy your customers requirements, too? Give yourself and your business the benefit of what the entire business of balloons has to offer. Dont shortchange your pallet of creativity with a shortage of colors, styles, sizes, shapes, quality, etc. Also, if you can put yourself and your own company aside for a moment, think about the long-range consequences of supporting only one company. Innovations yet to come from our industrys most brilliant of minds may never come at all without the support of customers funding (not just buying) their products. The fewer companies out there, the less opportunity we have to see important advancements that will simply make our industry and our own businesses stronger. Can you really afford missing the luxuries of choice? BALLOONS & Parties Magazine has built itself on the premise of independence. Autonomous thinking makes use of goods, products and services from as many different avenues as possible. Our independence will continue to bring you as many different ideas, designs and products as possible so you can make choices. Do yourself, your business and this industry a favor choose the many over the one everyday. Mark |
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