BALLOONS and Parties Magazine Pledge
Readership. 25,500 worldwide distribution (based on a 3.4 pass-along
rate). BALLOONS & Parties Means Advertising Value:Targeted Circulation. You know exactly who you are reaching because we know. Your value is increased with a focused message to a targeted market each issue. Reader Service. Reader response requests information on your products. HOT LEADS YOU NEED! Now that's VALUE! Editorial Support. Our articles are targeted, informative and full of practical ideas for the event decorating industry. This draws the reader into the advertiser's message, as it presents an immediate opportunity to discover viable products and services that will increase their bottom line. How-to information. BALLOONS & Parties includes building instructions for many creative projects. As an advertiser your products are incorporated and recommended for featured designs. Longevity. Subscribers who see your advertisement read and keep BALLOONS & Parties for future reference and use it time after time for new ideas and product information. NEW! Internet Presence. All display advertisers can participate in our web site advertising banner program free of charge while your display ad is running. NEW! Partnership. Added Internet exposure free of charge on the industry’s most powerful and independent web site. NEW! Advertiser’s QUICK Reference page. Useful and handy guide lists your phone, fax and Internet address to all readers in every issue your ad appears. Suppliers Guide. Readers depend on the one-source Suppliers Guide for purchasing products and services. You will receive two FREE 35-word listings when you purchase a display as in a Suppliers Guide issue. Reprints. Customize your advertisement or BALLOONS & Parties editorial reprints to increase the value of your marketing message (call us for quotes). Bonus Distribution. Thousands of industry buyers see your advertisement in BALLOONS & Parties at major trade shows throughout the year. Subscribers rely on BALLOONS & Parties magazine to bring them educational and industry information, plus new creative decorating ideas and business opportunities.
Editorial Calendar-2006 |
Targeted Distribution: Florists Space Closing: January 15, 2006 |
Targeted Distribution: Private Clubs Space Closing: July 31st, 2006 |
Targeted Distribution: Casinos, Cruise
Lines Space Closing: April 16th, 2006 |
Targeted Distribution: Catering Managers Space Closing: October 15th, 2006 |
Internet Newsletter
Published on-line: January 1st, March 1st, May 1st, July 1st, September 1st, November 1st. Space Closing: 12 days prior to publishing |
Additional Distribution Every issue of BALLOONS & Parties Magazine is mailed FREE of charge to over 2000 balloon commerce decision makers in the fileds of:
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Terms & Conditions Contract Year |
Additional advertising must be inserted within one year of first advertisement to earn frequency discount rates. Rates for advertisers under contract with PartiLife Publications, L.L.C. are guaranteed until completion of their contracts. Rates and contracts for new advertisers are determined by the published rates of the most recent rate sheet. The forwarding of an order or ad is construed as an acceptance of all rates and conditions under which advertising is at the time sold. Published rates are for plate-ready ads and film. Agency discount void when not plate ready. The rate earned depends upon the number of issues contracted per year, not the total number of ads placed in a year. Ads placed by a new advertiser must be prepaid unless credit application process has been completed. |
Material Requirements |
Black and white - Velox or one piece plate-ready film. Line screen - 150 |
Process color - One piece plate-ready composite film per color; right reading emulsion side down negatives: colors marked clearly (cyan-C, magenta-M, yellow-Y, black-K)four register marks; clear crop marks; trim, center and bleed marks; minimum film thickness 0.004; proofs preferably matchprints, made from supplied film. Line screen - 150 |
Disk Requirements | |
Program - Quark Xpress 3.31 for the Macintosh. Include: Screen and printer fonts, logos and/or graphic files used. Ads should be created at actual size of ad purchased. Graphic and logo files - should be saved to EPS format. (Fonts in graphic should be converted to outline when possible.) Transport media - Zip disks, 44, 88 or 200 MB SyQuest cartridges for the Macintosh or 1.4 MB floppy disk for the Macintosh. (Please do not compress files.) Stipulation - there is a flat $50 production cost for output of full color pages only. Film isnt returned, but disks and cartridges will be returned on request. If film is required, call graphics for additional pricing charge to output film with key. Prices vary according to size. Ads that are not completely disk ready will be subject to cost plus 20% for final preparation. |
Colors - should be set up for process separation. (CMYK) Photo files - include color photo files in CMYK TIFF or CMYK EPS format. (EPS files should be one file format.) (Photos on an angle - EPS format.) Photos should be scanned with enough resolution for 133 line screen. (266 DPI) Proofs - Please include a color composite proof of color ad or a B&W composite laser proof of Black and White ad. If layout is in a program other than Quark Xpress, the layout should be saved in a Macintosh compatible EPS format and all other requirements still apply. Any questions? Call (201)441-4224. Deadline for submission of ads on disk or cartridge is two days prior to plate ready date. |
Commissions |
The standard 15% commission will be given to recognized agencies supplying plate-ready film. Agency commission will be FORFEITED on accounts remaining unpaid after 30 days. Production and bleed charges are not commissionable. Agency discount voided when not plate-ready. | |
Space Reservations |
Space reservations must be made through the Advertising Sales Director at PartiLife Publications, L.L.C. and must be confirmed in writing by the space closing date. | |
Payments |
Payments must be received with order unless credit has been previously established. Any account unpaid for 60 days will not be allowed to run further advertisements until the account is cleared. Advertisers who have a contract assigned to an ad agency shall assume responsibility for payment in the event of their agencys failure to do so. | |
Copy-Contract Regulations |
Publisher shall have no liability for errors or omissions in advertisers index, new products section, key numbers or reader service numbers of anyone of its publications. Publisher shall not be held liable for any costs, damages or expenses incurred through failure to publish any advertisement. Advertisements not received by PartiLife Publications, L.L.C. advertising production department will not be entitled to review or revision by the advertiser or its agency. | |
Printing |
The magazines are printed on a sheet fed press and issues are saddlestitched unless otherwise stated by Advertising Sales Director. | |
Preferred Materials |
Black and white: Velox or one piece plate-ready film. Line screen - 133 Process color: One piece plate-ready composite film per color; right reading emulsion side down negatives; colors marked clearly (cyan-C, magenta-M, yellow-Y, black-K) four register marks; clear crop marks; trim, center and bleed marks; minimum film thickness 0.004; proofs, preferably matchprints, made from supplied film. Line screen - 133. Type should be no closer than 3/8" from trim edge. Ad materials accepted on electronic media ask for requirement sheet and production charges. |
Production Charges |
Art, layout and preparation services are available. Check in advance for estimate. Ads that are not completely plate-ready composite will be subject to cost plus 20% for final preparation. All ads must meet PartiLife Publications, L.L.C. publishing standards and are subject to approval of same. | |
Returned Artwork |
Unless requested in writing prior to publication, no artwork, negatives, proofs or other submissions will be returned until after publication delivery date. Publisher assumes no liability for loss or damage of materials submitted. Such materials may be destroyed unless written request for return is received within ONE YEAR of issue date. | |
Complimentary Copies |
Each advertiser will receive one complimentary copy of each issue wherein the advertisement is placed. | |
Issuance and Deadlines |
The magazines are published bi-monthly unless otherwise stated in the editorial calendar. For space reservations/space closing deadline, see editorial calendar. Ads requiring production - contact the Advertising Sales Director. Plate-ready Film due-see editorial calendar | |
Copy/Authorization Acceptance |
Advertisements are accepted upon representation that the advertiser and the agency have the rights to publish contents thereof. The publisher assumes no responsibility for publication of unauthorized material. All advertising is subject to approval of PartiLife Publications, L.L.C. The advertiser agrees to indemnify PartiLife Publications, L.L.C. against any losses, damages or expenses resulting from the unauthorized use by advertiser of any name, photograph, drawing or written material protected by copyright or trademark law, or based on libelous statements. PartiLife Publications, L.L.C. accepts responsibility for contracted space costs only in the event of an error or omission in printing said advertisement. No other reimbursement due to revenue loss caused by error or omission . |
Changes/Cancellation/Position |
Cancellations or change orders received after published closing date will be subject to a charge of 50% of space cost, plus applicable production cost. Covers are non-cancelable. If copy is not received by deadline, copy last used will be published, or PartiLife Publications, L.L.C. will produce said copy, charging appropriate design and production fees. Positioning of advertisements is at the sole discretion of the publisher, except in those cases where specific positions incurring a premium are directed by the Advertising Sales Director. Cancellation of any portion of contract voids all rates and position protection. A late fee of $75.00 will be added to all ad materials arriving after the specified deadline. | |
Rate Card Effective January 1, 2004 Bleeds: Add 15% to total amount. Bleeds are not commissionable. Fifth Color: Quoted price does not include extra fees for PMS colors. Call for quote. Inserts/Reprints: Call for quote Black & White Plus One: Add $200 to Black & White charge (Standard colors only - Cyan, Magenta, Yellow or Black - CMYK)
Advertising ContractClick here to download the advertising contract in PDF format.(The freely available Adobe Acrobat reader is required to view and print PDF files.) ![]() Ad Size Information
Advertising Representative
Direct all correspondence, inquiries and materials
Advertising Sales Director,
BALLOONS & Parties
PartiLife Publications, L.L.C.
65 Sussex Street
Hackensack, NJ 07601
(201) 441-4224 FAX( 201) 342-8118
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